Please visit the new website for the latest fall and winter events
Summer & Fall 2024
At a Glance
Summer 2024, EXHIBIT - Maryland Center for History and Culture -
"Painted Screens of Baltimore: a Celebration of the Painted Screen Society Collection"
July 13 - Dec 1, EXHIBIT -Institute of Contemporary Art-
July 12 (7-10 pm) Opening Celebration
Aug 31, Workshop - Manor Mill, The Baltimore Painted Screen - A Folk Art with Michael Seipp, (10 am - 1 pm) (tickets)Sept 7, Workshop - Creative Alliance with Michael Seipp (1 pm) details TBAFall 2024, Workshops - with Michael Seipp Seven Oaks and Essex Senior Centers - sold outOct 3, Workshop - Creative Alliance with Michael Seipp (6 pm) details TBAOct 5, Workshop - Manor Mill, The Baltimore Painted Screen - A Folk Art with Michael Seipp, (10 am - 1 pm) (tickets)Nov 7, Workshop - MCHC - Sip and Paint - Baltimore Screen Painting with Michael Seipp, (5:30 - 7:30 pm) details TBANov 23, Workshop - Manor Mill, The Baltimore Painted Screen - A Folk Art with Michael Seipp, (10 am - 1 pm) (tickets)Dec 12, Workshop - Creative Alliance with Michael Seipp (6 pm) details TBA
Year-round, EXHIBIT - American Visionary Art Museum
Find details for artists and workshops below
Classes and Workshops
Screen painting workshops with John Iampieri:
The Art of Screen Painting 2024Contact RAL for information
June 24 - 28, Workshop - Rehoboth Art League - Screen Painting Camp with John Iampieri, ages 11 - 15 yrsJuly 15 -19,Workshop - Rehoboth Art League - Screen Painting Camp with John Iampieri, ages 8 - 10 yrs
Join us for the major announcement of Bella Designs' "Screen Painting with Mr. I"This live broadcast will include a brief feature telling the story of screen painting and it's unique place in Maryland history. After the history lesson, learn about Bella Designs' new instructional film "Screen Painting with Mr. I." John Iampieri (Mr. I) is one of the few remaining screen painters and he is here to keep the legacy alive for generations to come!"Screen Painting with Mr. I" marks our debut into instructional video. Watch our promo and learn how you can order this one-of-a-kind instructional DVD, or digital download, accompanied by your very own screen painting kit.Also get to know your master screen painter, John Iampieri. -2021
Aug 31, Workshop - Manor Mill, The Baltimore Painted Screen - A Folk Art with Michael Seipp, (10 am - 1 pm) (tickets)Sept 7, Workshop - Creative Alliance with Michael Seipp (1 pm) details TBAFall 2024, Workshops - with Michael Seipp Seven Oaks and Essex Senior Centers - sold outOct 3, Workshop - Creative Alliance with Michael Seipp (6 pm) details TBAOct 5, Workshop - Manor Mill, The Baltimore Painted Screen - A Folk Art with Michael Seipp, (10 am - 1 pm) (tickets)Nov 7, Workshop - MCHC - Sip and Paint - Baltimore Screen Painting with Michael Seipp, (5:30 - 7:30 pm) details TBANov 23, Workshop - Manor Mill, The Baltimore Painted Screen - A Folk Art with Michael Seipp, (10 am - 1 pm) (tickets)Dec 12, Workshop - Creative Alliance with Michael Seipp (6 pm) details TBAJan 4, 2025, Manor Mill, The Baltimore Painted Screen - A Folk Art with Michael Seipp, (10 am - 1 pm) TBAPainted Screen by Dee Herget displayed at MCHC 2024
Instructor: Paul Dorr, email
Moving to 1648 Jackson Street, Baltimore MD 21230(former location 611 Hilltop Road, Orchard Beach MD 21226)(443) 305-2373Art classesBaltimore Painted Screens on display by many screen painter artistsPainting supplies on sale including primer, brushes, acrylic paint sets and moreHave your window and door screens repaired or replaced on site in time for springStore Hours: TBA
Instructor: Brenda Foehrkolb, contact Brenda here
Annmarie Sculpture Garden & Arts Center, Solomons Island, MD
Clare Chesnavage holds a screen painted by Jeff BodickLifelong Learning Program at Shepherd University, W.Va“Feel free to look up online Baltimore’s painted window screens — you will see tons of different styles!”“We only have a handful of artists left, that do this type of painting.It’s a dying art. Become one of the artists!I think you’ll really have a good time with it.”- Clare Chesnavage,Courtesy The Shepherdstown Chronicle
Screen painting exhibit, sales, classes and demonstrations
Two of Baltimore’s proudest traditions – screen painting and railroading – come together for two weeks at the B&O Railroad Museum! See painted screen works by artists from the Painted Screen Society of Baltimore on-display each day in the Museum’s Roundhouse, and on select dates, enjoy screen painting demonstrations with artist Michael Siepp! And, if you’re feeling inspired to try your hand at screen painting, we’re holding Sip & Screen Paint Classes for adults, as well as Screen Painting classes for the kids! See schedule and purchase your tickets for Sip & Screen Paint and Kids' Screen Painting Workshops below.
The iconic painted rowhouse screens of Baltimore date back to 1913, when Czech grocer William Oktavec introduced his “red bungalow” scene. Since then, the practice of painting rowhouse screen doors has become a symbol of Baltimore’s rich cultural and historical heritage.
Painted Screens On-Display
Screen Painting Demonstrations with Michael Seipp and other Screen Painters